website updates

Hi again! I’ve been tweaking my website and branding over the past few months, and though I can lose hours upon hours on it when I go in to change one little thing, I think it’s looking much fresher!

I’m still playing around so I welcome any and all feedback! Tell me what you like, what’s missing, what could be easier to find?

Anyway, I went into my portfolio today to add the titles to all of my past work, and it was so fun for me to look back at some of my early paintings. Since I’ve been painting clouds for nearly 15 years, it’s hard for me to have the perspective to see how much my work has changed in that time. Seeing some of the early stuff — now I want to get to my parents house and take photos of the really early cloud paintings — is helping me to recognize how much my style and technique has evolved. I’m so grateful that you’ve shared this journey with me and supported me along the way, and if you have one of (or more!) of my paintings I’d love to hear where they’re living now! I love knowing about their lives out in the world :)

Go take a look at my portfolio and see how much we’ve grown together :)

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